THE BEST OF Slovak architecture yearbook 2016/2017 in Bratislava region
Geführte Touren, SpecialsDie Exkursionen führen zu einer breit gefächerten Auswahl der interessantesten Bauwerke aus den letzten beiden Jahren in Bratislava und Umgebung.
The 9th volume of the Architecture days is traditionally organised by Department of Architecture ÚSTARCH SAV in cooperation with Austrian society for architecture ÖGFA. The event is represented by the expertly leaded tour, within which the most striking contemporary architecture in Bratislava and its outskirts selected from the currently published Slovak architecture yearbook 2016/2017 will be introduced to the public. The tour´s aim is to present not only the best of the past two years’ architectural production of Bratislava and its surroundings, but also to draw attention to the spectrum of architectural thought, to the typological structure of architectural production and to the broader topography of the Bratislava architectural region. The visitors will uncover a broad range of fresh architectural works from housing complexes to private family houses, from conversions of the huge industrial buildings to small prefabricated mobile shelter. During the excursion, the authors of architectural works, their owners or architecture critics will enable visitors to look to the backstage of their creation and functioning.
More information:,
For registration follow this link: registration
Kuratierung Bratislava: Katarína Haberlandová, Henrieta Moravcíková, Laura Pastoreková, Peter Szalay/Architekturabteilung, Slowakische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Die Anreise nach Bratislava und zu den Veranstaltungsorten ist individuell zu organisieren (keine Bustour).
11.00 – Haus im Haus, Národného oslobodenia, Bernolákovo Slowakei
12.30 – Mlynica, Turbínova ulica, Bratislava, Slowakei
14.00 – Arkshelter, Mickiewiczova ulica 9., Bratislava, Slowakei
15.30 – Condominium Devín, Hradná ulica, Bratislava-Devín, Slowakei