Tower 115

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Tower 115

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Wien | Bratislava: Tower 115

Kategorie Specials
Datum Fr 28. Mai 2010
Beginn 15:00
Treffpunkt BRATISLAVA Date of Excursion: 28.5.2010, at 3 pm. Meeting point: Main entrance of the Tower 115, Pribinova St. 25. Bus station Landererova, bus number 88. Excursion upon application, contact person: (siehe Karte)

Architects: Juraj Hermann / P- T, s.r.o.
Investor: J&T Group
Project: 2006
Realized: 2008
Built area: 3973.5m2
Cost: SKK 1,500,000,000

The original building of the Press Centre was designed by architects Jozef Lacko, Ladislav Kušnír, Ivan Slameň, and Osvald Dóra. The structure was situated in a promising locality, which was planned to become the new socio-cultural city centre. The building was finished in 1987. In essence, a utilitarian administrative building had a remarkable construction system, based on a steel concrete skeleton with visually exposed, steel Vierendeel girders. The building was then reconstructed and extended. Of the original features, only the construction was preserved. As it was pushed back behind a glass envelope, its remarkable shape can now only be seen from some offices.

Excursion upon application, contact person:

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