Historical Tunnel under the Castle Hill (1940s)

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Historical Tunnel under the Castle Hill (1940s)

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Wien | Bratislava: Historical Tunnel under the Castle Hill (1940s)

Kategorie Specials
Datum Fr 28. Mai 2010
Beginn 16:00
Treffpunkt BRATISLAVA Date of Exkursion: 28.5.2010, at 4 pm. Meeting Point: Bus station CHATAM SÓFER. Tram 1,4,5,9,12 Bus 28, 29, 30, 31, 39, station CHATAM SÓFER. Tour in english language (if required), free entry! Excursion upon application, contact person: usardag@savba.sk (siehe Karte)

Realized: 1943-1949

Built in 1943 – 1949 as a urban traffic tunnel as a necessary connection of the Old town with the river bank of the Danube it reached the length of 792 m. The cross fall of the eastern and western portals is 18 m, the inner height of the tunnel is 6,6 m and the width is 11 m. The facing of the interior walls of the tunnel is made in rhyolite stone blocks. Since 1983 the function changed to electric tramline tunnel and actually a general reconstruction of the tram line allows for the entire modernization of the tunnel.

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