Architekturtage Film Special: Koolhaas HouseLife, F 2008

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Architekturtage Film Special: Koolhaas HouseLife, F 2008

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Wien | Bratislava: Architekturtage Film Special: Koolhaas HouseLife, F 2008

Kategorie Filmprogramm
Datum Sa 29. Mai 2010
Beginn 21:00
Treffpunkt Topkino, Rahlgasse 1, 1060 Wien; Erreichbarkeit: U2 Museumsquartier; Kino-Tickets (EUR 7.-/6.-) an der Bar erhältlich. (siehe Karte)

Koolhaas HouseLife

F 2008, Original mit englischen Untertiteln, (58')
Regie: Ila Bêka/Louise Lemoîne

This film portrays one of the masterpieces of contemporary architecture of recent years: the house in Bordeaux designed by Rem Koolhaas / OMA in 1998. Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine let the viewer enter into the house’s daily intimacy through the stories and daily chores of Guadalupe Acedo, the home’s caretaker and housekeeper, and the other people who look after the building. Following and interacting with Guadalupe, blooms an unusual and unpredictable look at the spaces and structure of the building.

Title: Koolhaas HouseLife
A film by Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine
Image & Sound: Ila Bêka
Editing: Tiros Niakaj, Louise Lemoine
Film Production: BêkaFilms
Timing: 58 minutes / 25 chapters
Year: 2008
Language: French with english subtitles

Further Information

A series of films by Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine

“Living Architectures” is a series of films that seeks to develop a way of looking at architecture which turns away from the current trend of idealizing the representation of our architectural heritage. The cult of perfect, disembodied forms entirely devoid of people, inevitably leads to a break-up between architecture and living space. Through these films, Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine put into question the fascination with the picture, which covers up the buildings with preconceived ideas of perfection, virtuosity and infallibility, in order to demonstrate the vitality, fragility and vulnerable beauty of architecture as recounted and witnessed by people who actually live in, use or maintain the spaces they have selected.

Thus, their intention is to talk about architecture, or rather to let architecture talk to us, from an "inner" point of view, both personal and subjective. Unlike most movies about architecture, these films focus less on explaining the building, its structure and its technical details than on letting the viewer enter into the invisible bubble of the daily intimacy of some icons of contemporary architecture. Through a series of moments and fragments of life, an unusually spontaneous portrait of the building would emerge. This experiment presents a new way of looking at architecture which broadens the field of its representation. The buildings they have chosen are mainly of architectural renown, and designed by the so called "star architects" who were awarded the Pritzker Prize.

Architekturtage Film Special ist eine Kooperation der Architekturtage Wien-Bratislava mit dem Top Kino Wien. Kuratierung: Bruno Batinic, Top Kino.

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