The Tomb of The Salesians of Don Bosco

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The Tomb of The Salesians of Don Bosco

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Wien | Bratislava: The Tomb of The Salesians of Don Bosco

Kategorie Specials
Datum Sa 29. Mai 2010
Beginn 15:00
Treffpunkt BRATISLAVA Date of Exkursion: 29.5.2010, at 3 pm. Meeting Point: Main entrance of the Ružinov cemetery. Trolley bus station Cintorín Ružinov, Trolley bus 208; Tour in english language (if required). (siehe Karte)

Architects: Michal Bogár, Ľubomír Králik, Ľudovít Urban
Investor: The Salesians of Don Bosco
Project: 2000
Realized: 2005

The eastern edge of the Ružinov Cemetery is reminiscent of a birch grove. The tomb is set in this environment as a natural phenomenon – a slightly elevated hill. Placed in an irregularity in the terrain, the large tomb stone block, clad in black granite, is the only feature seen from the outside. The block symbolises the distinct border line between life and death. Inside, the tomb is a standard cell, lined along the three sides with tomb niches. The inner part is predominantly made of raw concrete, which provides a transition between the artificial beauty of the polished tomb stone and ordinary soil. A recess in the terrain topography leading to the tomb entrance all the more strengthens the place’s simple, symbolism-laden impact.

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