OPENING EVENT – A Tribute to Architect Svetko

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OPENING EVENT – A Tribute to Architect Svetko

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Wien | Bratislava: OPENING EVENT – A Tribute to Architect Svetko

Kategorie Specials
Datum Fr 28. Mai 2010
Beginn 18:00
Treffpunkt BRATISLAVA Slovak Radio Broadcast building, Mýtna 1, Bratislava; 6 pm, Public Event, Free Entry! Further Information: T: +421 2 59309296,, (siehe Karte)

Opening Event – A Tribute to Architect Svetko

In the form of public event entitled Tribute to architect Svetko the late modern building of Slovak Radio Broadcast will become a place of reunion of numerous key personalities of Slovak architectural scene and the architecture of Stefan Svetko will be celebrated via site specific installation, exhibition and lively discussion as a timeless icon of modern architecture in Bratislava.


Architecture Days and the Open Doors Days are organized for the public in cooperation of Department of Architecture at the Institute of Construction and Architecture of Slovak Academy of Sciences with the Austrian Society for Architecture.

Concept and coordination: Henrieta Moravčíková, Soňa Ščepánová, Peter Szalay, Mária Topolčanská, Dagmar Slámová / Department of Architecture, Institute of Construction and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Contact and Information: T: +421 2 59309296

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