Bratislava Castle - underground

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Bratislava Castle - underground

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Wien | Bratislava: Bratislava Castle - underground

Kategorie Specials
Datum Sa 29. Mai 2010
Beginn 11:30
Treffpunkt BRATISLAVA Date of Exkursion: 29.5.2010, at 11.30 am. Meeting Point: The Vienna Gate Entrance, Bratislava Castle, Zámocká street Trolley-bus 203 and 207, station HRAD or ZÁMOCKÁ. Tour in english language (if required), free entry!. Excursion upon application, contact person: (siehe Karte)

The Bratislava Castle undergoes actually a large scale reconstruction that changes its rough medieval character to recall its baroque face from times of the era of Queen Maria Theresa. Extensive underground spaces of great historical value will become accessible after this reconstruction and will house the exposition of the history Great Moravian Empire. The expectances are high due to the fact the historical underground corridor connecting once the castle with the water reservoir along with the lapidaries under the main courtyard will be opened to the public for the first time.

Excursion upon application, contact person:

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