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Architekturtage 2002 |
27th and 28th of September |
Architekturtage 2002 is a cooperative
project of the Federal Chamber of Architects and Consulting Engineers
and the Austrian Architectural Foundation. The architecture institutions
in the respective Austrian provinces function as local partners designing
the individual program according to regional circumstances.
In each province, it will be possible to get to know the working
conditions of architects, to visit selected constructions, as well
as to come into contact with owners, users and architects. Symposiums,
presentations, excursions and celebrations complete the program.
During these two days, the lively and multifaceted Austrian architecture
scene will be made visible to a broad public, while at
the same time being transmitted across
the borders through cooperations with comparable institutions from
Central and Eastern European countries.
Architekturtage 2000 makes evident what significance architecture
has for our everyday world and which role constructive working together
between clients, politicians and architects plays - not only during
the two days of the festival, but throughout the entire legislative
27th September:
Open House of Architecture: Visiting construction sites and studios
Views into the work atmosphere and selected architectural objects
28th September:
Installations/Interventions, Lectures, Celebrations:
Thematic playing use of an area/construction with various points of
focus (subject to alterations)
(pdf) |

Partner: Hungary
Secret Places
Architecture Expeditions in Burgenland
Within the framework of the autumn Architekturtage 2002, Architektur Raum Burgenland
will present constructions from around Neusiedler See, which, though relatively
unknown, nonetheless display a high formal quality. As the tourist icon Neusiedler
See was recently pronounced a »World Heritage Site,« it seems necessary
to understand the significance and position of contemporary architecture as
a component of the culture of this area.
On the first day, a bus tour will divulge the secrets of hidden places: A summer
cottage shrouded by thorny hedges, interesting private gardens, an island world
and much more. The following day, a ship will dock at Neusiedl am See and Strandbad
Podersdorf where architects, politicians, economists, journalists and vacationers
will discuss contemporary architecture. A traveling exhibition will illustrate
examples of modern construction.
Important to remember on both days: Don't forget your passport, swimming
stuff, rain gear, rubber boots and binoculars!
Architektur Raum Burgenland
T: +43 (0) 2682 704 4160
Raum Burgenland
Architecture - Have a look inside!
An invitation - Architects open their studios
The architects from Carinthia intend to show their work in the most complete
and personal way possible. The presentations should serve to build a broader
basis of understanding of architecture from a public, which, up until now, has
remained relatively sceptical. For this reason, countless architecture studios
will open their doors to the public on the 27th of September. It should then
be possible to consolidate the impressions made during the respective visits
through additional confrontations with buildings such as the Europan-Wohnbau,
the »Blaue Würfel« and the Harbach wooden housings. Presentations
will take place hourly, frequently in the presence of the architects.
Kärntens Haus der Architektur - Napoleonstadel
T: +43 (0) 463 / 504577
Haus der Architektur-Napoleonstadel

Upper Austria
Ateliers und Bauwerke (pdf)
Partner: Czech Republic und Slovakia
city aspiration
The city's desire for inhabitants and the inhabitant's desire for city
The architects from Upper Austria will explore the phenomenon of city both locally
and beyond the Czech and Slovak border. How and according to what rules do the
cities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia develop? What happens in neglected
urban spaces, and how can one deal with their potential? The city of Linz will
be explored considering the aspects of a city whose outer borders continue to
grow while its center becomes more and more empty. According to studies, more
than double the necessary building space is available in the city. As a mid-sized
urban space which has mutated from an industrial to a cultural and technology
center, Linz must stand up to the pressure by developing an attractive and unmistakable
profile. A bus trip to experts in Linz will deepen an understanding of various
positions during the Architekturtage 2002.
Architekturforum Oberösterreich/Volksküche
T: +43 (0) 732 / 711 701

Partner: Lithuania
Chamber of Architects and Consulting Engineers Salzburg
Open Architectures, Architecture and Schools
Initiative Architektur
Do you Understand the Train Station? - Initiative for a livable train
station district
Within the framework of the Architekturtage 2002, the architects in the city
and state of Salzburg plan to bring their creations closer to an interested
public. While curious laymen and potential contractors view the works of Salzburg's
architects, younger architects will present works which came into being during
a recently held workshop led by the group »Architektur und Schule.«
As a further point in the program, the Salzburg train station including surroundings
will be brought to discussion under the title »Verstehen Sie Bahnhof«
(an idiom which means »Do you get it?«). By some, the train station
district is perceived as a colorful, multicultural, urban part of Salzburg;
by others, as unlivable. To which long term perspectives for overall city planning
can thoughts about new construction in the area be led (investors plan to add
130,000 square feet to the area)? A walk through the city, a symposium with
presentations from experts from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Lithuania,
accompanied by statements from residents, and a general public discussion will
serve to further a socially just and diverse city restoration. The festival
will conclude with a celebration in the Salzburger Kammer der Architekten und
Verstehen Sie Bahnhof?
Initiative Architektur Salzburg
T: +43 (0) 662 / 87 98 67
Architektur Salzburg
Kurator Norbert Mayr
T: +43 (0) 662 / 848480
Offene Architekturen, Architektur und Schule
Kammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten Salzburg
T: +43 (0) 662 / 872383
Architecture - Have a Look Inside!
from 4-99 years
The Styrian architects intend to show their work in the most complete and personal
way possible. Presentations should serve to build a broader basis of understanding
of architecture for a public ranging from 4 to 99 years old, which, until now,
has remained relatively skeptical. For this reason, 43 architects will open
their doors to the public on Friday. On the following day, it will be possible
to consolidate impressions made on Friday through a visit to the buildings.
The inner city of Graz, remarkable architecture to get healthy by, living and
studying and other examples of modern architecture will be investigated, while
the next generation is made familiar with the fine points of architecture.
In addition, the exhibition »Alte Ansichten, Stadtvisionen des 20 Jahrhunderts«
will show the permanent process of change in a city with the example of development
in Graz since 1945.
info and registration:
Haus der Architektur Graz
T: +43 (0) 316 / 323 500
Haus der Architektur

Partner: Polend
The Space of the political
On the relationship between architecture and society
Society and architecture, man and object stand in constant exchange. While
architecture designs spaces for society, society influences architecture. Man
and his politics define and control the guidelines for architecture. For this
reason, the group Tiroler Architekturschaffenden will present itself during
the Architekturtage 2002 under the motto »The Space of the Political.«
A microcosm manifests itself transposing political and societal exchange into
the world of architects and engineers, with studio collectives representing
the smallest unit of political space in vastly different structures. Such networks
will be presented on the first day in four individually defined architectural
districts. The following day, the representation of political power will itself
become the focus of attention. The new city hall by Dominique Perrault-the fiercely
contested result of years of conflict between political, economic and media
interests-will be presented to the public.
In addition, three further political and historical pivotal points will be
studied according to their architectural specifications. The Central Transformer
Station (Umspannwerk Mitte), the Innsbruck Central Train Station (Hauptbahnhof
Innsbruck), the second most frequented station in Austria, and the new Bergisel
ski jumping platform will all be broken down into their respective architectural
and technical components.
Architekturforum Tirol
T: +43 (0) 512 / 57 15 67

offene Ateliers
und Bauwerke (pdf)
Partner: Liechtenstein
Open for Spaces - Welcome to life
Architectural output in the country
»Open for Spaces - Welcome to Life«: the title reflects the main
idea for the Architekturtage from the most westerly Austrian state. Through
their own presentation, the architects from Vorarlberg would like to demonstrate
an understanding of the relationship between architecture and living space in
Vorarlberg and its cooperation partner Liechtenstein. A further goal remains
in the bettering of communication between building owners, the public and public
Open studios, bus trips to important constructions in the Bregenzerwald, bicycle
trips to modern architecture between Dornbirn and Lustenau or power stations
in Feldkirch - in addition to discussions and a look to the architects working
in Liechtenstein. The architects from Vorarlberg intend to acquaint all interested
parties with their work in the most broad and eclectic way possible.
information and registration:
vorarlberger architektur institut
T: +43 (0) 5572 51169
vorarlberger architektur institut

Vienna and Lower Austria
offene Ateliers
und Bauwerke (pdf)
Partner: Slowakia
Architecture from within
Run Indoors 200x in Vienna, Lower Austria and Bratislava
In the historically and geographically linked regions of Vienna, Lower Austria
and Bratislava around 170 buildings and 30 architecture studios will be opened
to a curious public. During the Architekturtage 2002, Lower Austria will present
40 of its most interesting constructions from the past 10 years. Vienna will
open a broad spectrum of its buildings ranging from the small to the skyscraper,
from Kindergarten to Kraftwerk, from Jugendstil construction to construction
site. As the third host, Slovakia will present buildings which have been built
since the fall of the Iron Curtain. In addition, architects will offer a behind
the scenes glimpse into their working methods.
Registration and info Vienna and Lower Austria:
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur - ÖGFA
T: +43 (0) 1 / 319 77 15
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur
Registration Bratislava:
Slovakian Architects Collective SAS
T: +421 (0) 2 54431431, +421 (0) 2 54435177
2 out of 365 Architecture Days in the Architekturzentrum Wien
With the motto of 2 out of 365 architecture days, the Architekturzentrum Wien
(Az W) will open its doors to the curious public. Thematic tours of the current
exhibitions display architecture of the highest quality. Workshops for children
6 years and up will bring them the world of architecture closer. For the first
time, it will be possible to view the newly installed archive and collection
under expert guidance. While in the library, research tools and the multiplicity
of publications available in the Az W
will be more closely explored.
information and registration:
Az W - Architekturzentrum Wien
T: +43 (0) 1 / 522 31 15
Az W - Architekturzentrum Wien
on/in/by the lovely blue Danube
A border-crossing ship journey from Lower Austria through Vienna to Slovakia
Will the Danube again become the trans-regional main artery of Central European
Culture? Can the area along the river be brought back to life through first
class architectural initiatives? Important topics such as edges, borders, shores,
differences and the future of architecture, management of architecture, landscape
architecture, city and regional planning, economics and politics will be discussed
on the 500 person paddle-wheeled steamboat »MS Stadt Wien« at and
between stops in Tulln, Vienna, Hainburg and Bratislava. The presentations and
discussions, as well as the city tours and concluding party should facilitate
communication between city and country, East and West, experts and laymen -
furthering possible future projects.
ORTE architekturnetzwerk niederösterreich
T: +43 (0) 2732 78374
ORTE - architekturnetzwerk
Fee: from Tulln 55 €, from Vienna 50 €
Don't forget your passport!